Membership Includes and supports:

  • Newsletters: state and regional reports, program information, legislative updates, summer programs, scholarship opportunities, and other information pertinent to the needs of the gifted.
  • Members Only Pages to Resources- Access lesson plans, resources, and more. Password protected and available only with membership.
  • TAG Chat-Monthly interactive chat (password protected for members only) with experts in gifted education and parenting addressing issues important to members such as twice exceptional, high school services, and changes in TN Department of Education
  • TAG Conference: annual event featuring nationally known keynote speakers and workshops for educators and parents on a variety of relevant topics.
  • Scholarships: offered to Tennessee's gifted youth for participation in various summer programs.
  • Mini-Grants: offered to TAG teachers for implementation of innovative projects/programs differentiated or designed to meet the needs of gifted children. 
  • Tennessee Gifted Student of the Year Award: recognition of outstanding student accomplishment in one or more of the following areas: academic achievement, leadership, or visual or performing arts
  • Members Only Access Website Includes:  Back Issues of Newsletters, Blogs, and other Resources with more being added!